Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, May 23, 2011

The One With MOMMY!!!

Preslie has started saying "Mommy".
And it is awesome.
Not that she didn't say it before, she did, but now she says it and knows the response she will get. She says it now because she wants me, she's calling for me. The other night Eric and I were in bed watching Ugly Betty, and I hear "MOOOMMMMMYYY" on the monitor. It was so cute I could not ignore it.
I walked into her room and there she was standing up, holding on to her crib, arms outstreched like she had finally figured out that when she yells for me I will come get her.
It is amazing, I LOVE it!

She has also discovered her new favorite movie, The Princess And The Frog.
The new Disney version.
I have to admit, I wasn't completely in love with it when I first saw it (and I'm thinking that was most people's reaction and that is why it is already on instant in Netflix), but the more I see it (which seems to be at least once a day) the more I like it. 
I love the idea of Evangeline in it, SO CUTE.
But I told Eric the other day, isn't it funny that in this Disney movie we are supposed to like the girl who wants to marry someone just because he is a Prince, and for no other reason. In every other Disney movie, you aren't supposed to like that girl. Think about it.

A few weekends back was the father/son's campout in our ward. They went to Given's, just on an overnighter, but Eric and Parker took up so much food, it was hilarious. Eric was sitting in bed the other night eating his left over honey roasted peanuts (seriously, FIVE BAGS of left over peanuts) and Preslie came totteling up and yelled at him til he gave her one.
She then freaked out for a half an hour straight yelling and pointing at peanuts and wanting more and more peanuts. It was quite funny, and they are still one of her favorite things (which is fairly amazing seeing as how she gets a new food she wants to eat every other day).

We also went to the doctor for her 1 year shots - we are a little behind given her hospital stay - and she is weighing in at 21 pounds. Still down about three pounds from before her hospital stay.
She is also 29 1/2 inches tall.
She is about 25% for weight, 20% for height. Funny cause I have always thought she was a little rolly polie. But this does explain why all of her friends are bigger than her now, even the ones born a few months after.
Drum roll . . . . . her head measures in at 46 3/4cm that is 75%! Yes, our kids will be geniuses because they ALL have ginormous heads!

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