Aside from fishing, Eric also loves camping.
I love camping when it involves a room with four walls, a ceiling, a bathroom, and electricity. I consider sleeping in a cabin camping.
I didnt' always used to be this way. When I was younger my Grandma and Grandpa Carpender used to take me, my sister Brittany, and my cousin Megan camping all the time. They had a camper trailer, so we weren't completely roughing it. And I remember that being a lot of fun. We would always wake up to oatmeal and hot chocolate and have great meals, and explore, and get sunburned, and that was great camping.
Well . . . this is something I learned. Camping is a LOT of work!
Not so much camping I guess, but getting ready for camping. Goodness, I don't know how my Grandparents did it. Eric and I packed really good for a solid two-three hours, and we still forgot things like paper towels, and soap.
We went to Given's Hot springs, which is actually quite close to us since we live in the Boondocks. If I'm going to camp, I want a place with a pool, or at least some sort of water to play in, and indoor plumbing . . . no outhouses or going behind a tree. So Given's was perfect! But it was also packed. I swear there was so many people there! We got there and all the fire campsites were taken, it was sad, we packed smores.
Then HALLELUJIAH! We found one campsite, right next to the pool and the bathrooms, so it was kind of the highway for everyone, but it was right next to everything we could ever need, so it was good. We parked right next to it, and Eric went inside to pay . . . and I'm sitting there thinking, I wonder if people know we have this campsite. So I decided to be a real genius and take a bag over and set it next to the firepit. Right as a laid the bag down, this guy goes "Oh man! I thought it was an open one!" Well sorry dude, I do feel bad, but ten points for ME!
We were a little concerned about how Preslie would do camping. We knew Parker was fine, he and Eric went on a Father/Son campout a few weeks ago and he loved it. But Preslie is little and probably wouldn't know what was going on . . . and there is no Princess and the Frog to watch in the wilderness. But she surprised BOTH of us and did amazing.
She had so much fun in the pool. I wish we had taken a picture of her in her swimsuit, it was adorable. But she had one of those little swim intertubes, and she held herself up in it and kicked around the pool, would lounge back in it, she just had a great time, it was awesome. And she even did pretty good sleeping. We took her travel crib, and set that up in the tent, then put her down before the rest of us. No such luck having her asleep before we all went in to crash, she thought it was hilarious that we were all sleeping in a little room, she would run to one side of her crib peek over at Parker and laugh, then run to the other side peek over at us and laugh. It was funny, at some point she calmed down and went to sleep.
The kids both loved runnign aroudn in the grass and playing. Preslie is not too scared of fires, which makes me a little scared, but she did okay with it. All in all it was a good trip. And although I am not the HUGEST fan of camping, I will gladly go every weekend just to watch my kids, since they had so much fun!
Preslie carried her intertube around everywhere.
All Preslie wanted to do was go swimming, she kept running away from camp to go to the building. She was very upset this time when she got allt he way up the stairs only to realize the pool was closed and the door was shut and locked.
This is the next morning . . . . so don't look to close.
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