Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The One With the Portland Zoo

On the Tuesday before we drove home (the 29th) we went and visited the Portland Zoo. We've been a few times in the past. . . . . let me just say it puts the Boise Zoo to SHAME! Seriously, our little zoo here is pretty sad after you go to bigger ones. The kids had a blast seeing all the animals and it was even NICE and NOT raining . . . . I know, in Portland, whooda thunk?

We saw GIANT BABIES! Who although may not have been big enough to walk were definitely too large to be carried around in a sling.

We saw black bears box.

The kids measured up to a bald eagle.

Uncle Mat tried measuring up to a polar bear.
On a side note ladies, this boy is single!
And we are looking for a hottie for him, if you know of one, CONTACT ME! :)
The girl must be prepared to deal with medical school as Mat plans to be an eye surgeon.

Preslie and Parker petted the goats.

And Mom and Pres measured up to a big stuffed bear!

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