The days Eric has to work late = CRAPPY!!!
Usually it's Thursdays that he works late, and it's not so bad, because I work that day too, and so I come home and only have two hours at home alone with the kids. Two hours isn't soo bad. It's a couple episodes of Dora the Explorer, chicken nuggets, a bed time story, and then Daddy is home to tuck them in. Not so bad right? Sometimes I even enjoy it, especially now that it's nice outside (despite the Eastern Idaho-esque wind we've been having) and I can kick them outside. Who needs a girl, her back pack, and a purple monkey when you can dig outside in the bark chips???
Well this week is functioning just a little different. My brother graduates high school on Thursday, and we are leaving for Portland Friday morning. We also have a graduation party for Bryson on Tuesday, activity days/scouts on Wednesday, so the only day that Eric could switch his late night to was Monday. I really didn't think it would be so bad, and to be honest it wasn't. I was highly productive.
I am crazy at work . . . . I am highly productive, and to make sure that I can keep my days straight I write down EVERY thing I do. It also helps keep a time line with clients and stuff. Mostly it's just jibber jabber, like "check/respond/store all 158 messages in my email" or "leave a message to let so and so know that his receiver is on back order and will not be in production for another 4-6 weeks". But I write down EVERYTHING. Half the time I find myself beginning to write "took a sip of water" and "made the kids' lunch" . . . and then I scribble it out.
Sometimes I even want to keep a list like that at home. I mean seriously, how much more productive would you KNOW you were if you wrote everything down. Work out, work on homework, make breakfast, get kids up, feed kids, take shower, get ready, do seventy loads of laundry, put seventy loads of laundry away, vacuum floors, mop kitchen . . . . I mean that really does make me sound like the Queen of Productivity, am I right?
Well today I was thinking it would be a highly productive day. Really it HAS to be productive. I've got about seven different chapters to read in both my classes (at about 80 pages each) three papers, discussion questions, responses - and that's just for THIS week, neverminde that we are going to be in Portland for next week as well, so I really need to get caught up on that one too.
Paxton has begun getting up in the middle of the night again. Super annoying. Not that I don't love watching episodes of Lipstick Jungle or Samantha Who in the middle of the night. But it's getting progressively earlier, and it's hard for me to justify going back to bed after I feed him from 4:45-5:30 and my alarm is set for 6:10. But 4:45 is WAY too early to get up for the entire day.
Back to the story. Call it lack of sleep - an entire week of getting up at 4:30 will do that to you. Call it lack of food. I don't know. But tonight I took it all out on the blender. I've done a million loads of laundry today. I've cleaned bathrooms, and kitchens, done several loads of dishes, kept the kids happy, gotten them fed and dressed and bathed. It wasn't until about 11:30 that I realized I hadn't even eaten breakfast for the day. So I hate two eggs and two pieces of toast then continued on my merry way. There hasn't been a second of sitting down today (until now), all the cleaning, and kids keeping me on my toes, and breaking up fights, and making macaroni has made it almost impossible to even think.
Eric and I kind of have this little thing we do . . . . when one of us is really crabby the other one says, "okay it's time for you to sit down and eat something". We both have issues with low blood pressure, and being total brats and yelling at the kids is usually a sign that we haven't eaten in awhile. Well, Eric being gone today meant that I didn't have anyone monitoring me like I probably needed. And realistically there's only so much frustration you can take out on three kids that are 4 and under before you just realize they have absolutely no idea what you are saying. I'd finally gotten them out of the bath, dressed in PJ's, and in bed when I decided "hmmm . . . . it's almost eight o'clock, maybe it's time i eat something myself." I was feeling the dangerously low sugar frustration. But then Pax woke up, and wanted to eat too, and then he threw his applesauce (we're trying to shove the solids down his throat) all over my freshly laundered bed (he's not liking the solids so much) and Parker comes into the room and wants a snack and yada yada
We head downstairs and I am trying to make myself a delicious protein packed smoothie while Parker is talking about what he wants to eat. And I'm trying to get him food, while trying to get myself food (the kind of time where having those elastic arms like the mom in the Incredibles would be REALLY nice) when I go to start the blender and "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" is all I hear.
No chopping. No blending. No smoothie-fying.
Just a humm.
I'm checking plugs, and settings, and pulling off the pitcher making sure everything is set up right, and Parker's still yapping about he wants goldfish dipped in nutella drizzled in sprinkles. Press the button again . . . . and another hum.
Then the smoothie hit the fan (figuratively of course).
I had the mother of all two-year old freak-outs on that blender.
It deserved it. Stupid piece of electronic equipment that abandons me when I need it the most. I screamed at it, to avoid yelling at my kids, or yelling at myself, or beating my head against a wall, and banged it and hit it, I may have even thrown it a little . . . . . although it must not have been hard seeing as how the glass pitcher did not break. I may have even shed a few tears for my strawberry orange protein smoothie that I was obviously not going to sip into my belly. The whole time Parker's sitting there next to me, eyes wide, obviously freaking out knowing that his mother is having some sort of psychotic break (although he probably doesn't even know what that is yet).
And then the tantrum is over.
I calmly put the pitcher back on the blender.
Push the start button.
It works.
That'll teach you blender. I am the boss. Do not disobey me.
Don't worry, no children or actual things with feeling were harmed in the process.
So glad to hear everyone has days like that! Except I really shouldn't complain with just one kiddo. I have no idea how you do it all! Hang in there! Vacation is in order soon :)