Family Picture

Family Picture

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The One With Vacation Interruptis

I am a Daddy's girl, I think I probably always have been.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom, we get along great, and we have some fun times.
In March of 2009 my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. It was like I had fallen a million feet and crash landed onto jagged rocks, it was not something I wanted to hear. Although, somehow I knew it was coming. My dad had been having some pain, and when my Mom called to let me know what the doctor said, I picked up and said "It's cancer, isn't it?" Somehow we just have this connection.

Well Sunday night we were on the coast staying at the beautiful Salishan Resort. We got in bed late, got up late, were getting ready late, trying to make it out the door on time. My phone started ringing, and I saw it was from the office, so I picked up just assuming they were calling about something on the calendar.
No such luck.
It's my mom, crying and frantic saying Dad was in a bad accident on his way to McCall and they were trying to get LifeFlight to him, but it was so foggy they couldn't get the helicopter in.
My first thought, is it bad enough that they need LifeFlight? MAN!!!
We talked for a little bit, and it was decided that we should not start our long drive home until we knew more information on what was wrong. The rest of the morning was filled with phone calls from family members to me, I called the hospital in McCall and talked to them. It was a very tense day.
First the hospital says, he looks good, looks like he broke his shoulder, but that's about it.
So we go out to breakfast, and start driving to the aquarium, and then I get a phone call saying they found a bleed on his brain and that they are needing to LifeFlight him down to Boise now.
It's crazy how fast things change. Although I knew that the hospital in McCall was probably just being precautionary, as they aren't equipped to handle blunt trauma cases, it was still a little scary.

Well, to make a super long story short, this is essentially what happened. My Dad was driving up to McCall to do a walk through with a client. Just before Cascade on the straight drive (lucky it wasn't in the canyon) the fog broke, and so he decided to call the office and talk to one of the techs. He talked to my mom for a minute, then she handed the phone to Jeff (the tech) and Jeff heard my Dad saying, I think I hit black ice. The truck he was in started sliding from side to side, he coudln't get out of it, then it spun completely around and essentially backed up into a mountain. The entire bed of the truck, as well as the extended cab is crushed up to the driver's seat. He was knocked out because of the accident, when he woke up, the truck was on it's side, and he was curled up next to the driver's side window, the other window's were blown out.
An undercover policeman stopped to help him, at which time four other people slid off the road in the same place, although, by some miracle, no one hit each other. My Dad ended up being the worse one out of all of them. They pulled him out of the truck and took him up to the McCall hospital. He ended up with a concussion, broken clavicle, separated shoulder, and a 5mm bleed at the base of his brain. The fog never cleared well enough to get the LifeFlight helicopter in to McCall, so the LifeFlight ground team drove him down from McCall to St. Alphonsus in Boise.

He was released on Wednesday after they found the bleed was not growing. We went over to see him as soon as we got back into town, and he looked great. Pretty good bruise on his shoulder, as to be expected, but he looked great considering what had happened.
Yesterday (Friday) he had surgery to pin his clavicle back together and asess the ligament in his shoulder to see if a repair was necessary.

All in all, my poor Dad seems to be having a rough couple years. I love him and am glad he is okay!!!

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