Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The One With General Conference Weekend

So this post is OBVIOUSLY just a little late, being as it is almost the end of October. But I snapped some pretty cute pictures during this weekend, and I felt it was worth documenting.

Our kids are way too little, and maybe Eric and I are still as well, to sit down for four hours a day and watch the TV without being able to do anything. And I have LONG since realized that I am a GREAT multi-tasker, and I can absorb information [almost] better when I am doing a million things at once.

So during General Conference on Sunday, Parker and I made cinnamon rolls! YUM YUM! And then we ate them, which was even YUM YUM YUMM ER!!!!
If you look close in these pictures, you may see a bit of a 27ish weeker prego belly, but I'm pretty good about NOT wanting pictures taken while I am pregnant - seriously, who would WANT to see that belly? lol. Some day I may regret that.

Preslie had a brief RUN outside, meaning somehow she escaped into our backyard before we could catch her. This little woman loves being outside. I just wish I was better about just letting her be back there without constantly running out to check on her. I'm far to afraid of this little girl getting hurt, I'm such a wuss with her. 

But then Daddy took her into the office and got her playing a game on the touchscreen computer. All she had to do was kind of "flick" the bowling ball, and then she was sitting there bowling strikes for an hour . . ..  while listening to conference of course. Pardon her messy hair look, it was a bit of a lazy day for us all!

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