So last year, about this time, Eric and I heard about this "U-Pick" vineyard in Payette, where you can pick TWO five-gallon buckets of grapes and pay $5. Well that's a lot of grapes! So last year we picked a ton, and juiced them, new experience to me - you can check it out in October of last year's blogs if you really want to.
We canned like 55 or so quarts last year, and we drank it all gone within like 7 months. So this year we did even more grapes! Good idea since it will last us forever, BAD idea given it was during probably the busiest week of our life!!!! But finally, right before we went to Portland, we got them all canned, and we have almost 100 quarts, that should last us some time I'm thinking.
And then of course, in true Preslie fashion as of late, she had to start eating them, without washing, just chowing away.
Even if that meant she picked them up off the ground . . . . Brittany, she may teach Lucy these naughty things.
Parker mostly enjoyed running underneath all the rows of vines with his cousins Jack and Bennett, he wasn't too interested in posing for pictures.
Umm yes, how can you not love this little girl. Am I alone in thinking she is the cutest thing to ever grace this earth? I just LUFF her!
This is the awkward Daddy why'd you make us look at the sun for pictures look.
Daddy and Preslie picking their grapes!
All of my family that went, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa Carpender, Brittany and Jared with Jack, Bennett, and Lucy, and then us!
We were a little pooped by the end of this, and WELL past nap time, hence the grumpy faces! But this is a tradition I can't wait to keep up!
You guys have such a cute little family! (Cute baby bump) :)! I love reading your blog and staying caught up with you guys!