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Thursday, November 8, 2012

The One With the Election

Well this is it! Yes, a ranting political post - only slightly less ranting, and maybe less political so much as my personal beliefs. Why can I do this here? Because here you come to hear what I have to say, not what a milion friends have to say like on Facebook . . . . and you know what, for the most part I kept my views off Facebook statuses. Why you may ask? Because I hate that every person uses it as a way to say every dang thing that is on their mind. Tell me about the truly awesome (and sadly terrible) things that happen to you! PLEASE! Tell me in quick, short, succinct sentences about those things . . . . but really, I don't need to see pictures of your dinner, or hear detailed stories about changing a diaper on facebook - that's what I stalk your blogs for.

Soap box done.

Or at least that soap box.

It is Thursday. The elections were on Tuesday. Honestly, I'm not surprised with the outcome. If you like Obama, this is probably the part where you should stop reading. I don't mean Obama as a person, as a person I think he's great, but as my country's leader.  . .eh not so much. Eric and I were talking about the elections (forever) last week and he was asking me who I thought would win.

WHY? He asked me.

Because as members of the church we know that things are going to get ape crazy before the second coming. I didn't see things getting too crazy under Romney, so I figure it's gotta be Obama who makes it into office. I don't even so much think this was a win for Obama, as much as I think it was a win for the MEDIA. Seriously! Can they swing things anymore? Can there be just one single station who can report BOTH sides of the equation instead of picking and choosing the stories they want that paint their party in the best light?? I mena come on! I posted a status on Facebook about two weeks ago that pretty much sums it up.

We were watching Fox News when "BREAKING" news came out about how the Obama administration knew what was happening in Benghazi the entire time the ambassdor was missing, the entire time two Navy Seals killed 88 of 200 terrorists before they were killed themselves, and the entire time that it was indeed a terrorist attack and NOT the result of some stuipd YouTube video (don't even get me started on THAT one, how stupid are we the American people to fall for that one?). I am well aware that Fox News, though strikingly less bias than other stations, has a bias. So Eric and I, after watching what they had to say for a few minutes, switched over to CNN to get the "other" side of the story. You know what we saw? DL Hughley (a black comedian) talking about why he hates Romney.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? That's all CNN can come up with, a comedian to tell me who I should vote for based on his personal preferences not at all founded on political beliefs???? What makes me more upset is that I know too many American citizens fall for this kind of crap. Stop being sheep! BAAAA!!!!! Stop going someplace because some comedian, actor, friend, parent told you to. And that includes Republicans. I don't want republicans voting republican because their mommy told them to, find out for yourself. It's just like in church - be TRULY converted! Don't base your ideas and practices off your parents, have them because you KNOW them to be true.

Anyways, back to the media. They did a bang up job of covering what they wanted to, glorifying the minor things, and painting anyone they didn't want elected as a terrible, woman hating, mogul tycoon tyrant. Good job media, I'm glad to know that Matt Lauer who makes 10 million dollars a year has dooped all the people in this country making less than $40,000 into believing he knows what's best for them. And for the record, I am a subjective enough person that I am not saying these kinds of things because the candidate I wanted wasn't elected, I'm saying them because I want the media to be unbias, and report both sides. Even if there are things about Romney that aren't favorable (which we heard of) and even about Obama (which apparently there was nothing).

I keep thinking, was that it? Was that our warning? We know what the pride cycle is, are we now going to get a smashing humbling experience thrown down on our entire country? I look at New York and wonder, MAN is that what this is about? Is there so many unrighteous people or people who need humbling that this has to happen? I'm not saying everyone is, I know TONS of people on the East coast who are amazing individuals, I am just starting to wonder if the amazing peopel are being swallowed up by the idiots.

I can say that I am acutely aware of how incredible the resolve of the American citizen is. Even with unemployment rising, and terrible things happening, even with a President I don't personally believe is fit to run this country, I do not believe we will topple to the earth. This land is full of incredible people, with amazing work ethic and beautiful spirits, I am grateful for all of them that help to keep this nation moving and producing regardless of the financial bind we find ourselves in.

For that I can say, I am excited for the next four years. No doubt there will be some large trials, but once I am on the opposite side of four years, I know I will be able to look back, and will have grown so much, matured ten fold, and have experiences that make me a stronger mother, a more compassionate wife, and an incredible person.

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