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Sunday, March 11, 2012

The One With the Survey of 11

So my good friend - I consider her a good friend :) - Amber tagged me in a survey she did. It's quite possible the only reason she tagged me as one of her eleven friends, given her obvious over abundance of friends she could have tagged, probably has a lot to do with the fact that she KNEW if she tagged me I would respond for one of three reasons, or maybe for all three reasons:
1. Because I read her blog all the time and she knows that, so by default she knew I would see that she tagged me and would therefore have to complete the survey. 2. Because she has seen me steal fun surveys off her blog before, even when she didn't tag me to do it. And/or 3. Because my name starts with C and is it at the beginning of the alphabet so as she was sifting through her multitude of friends to fit the 11 spaces, my name came up within the first few letters. Just in case you haven't already looked at my friend Amber's blog, be sure that you do - it is amazing and heartwarming, and she and her husband are looking to adopt, so spread the word!!!!!

In any case, I have a strange obsession with surveys and answering questions, and digging deeper into not only my own psyche, but to those I meet as well. So be prepared y'all, because UNLIKE Amber, I do NOT have a million people following my blog, so if you follow mine, chances are your name will be on my list . . . . for that reason, and because I truly want you to answer them.

So here goes. . . . . .

THE RULES:And I feel the rules need to be in bold so no one shirks on their responsibilities here :)
1. Post these rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag
5. Tag 11 people

11 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME:There really aren't this many random things about me, I guess I count myself as being entirely ordinary, in a not so completely ordinary kind of way. So I'll take a stab at detailing out some of my randomness.
1. I have NO idea what my natural hair color is anymore. I finally was allowed to get highlights when I was 16 and ever since I have been switching up my hair color. I'm pretty positive my natural color is not nearly as cool as any of the millions of different colors my hair has been.
2. I have a strange addiction to learning and education advancement. I don't know why. I would say my life was pretty busy, and then I decided to throw in finishing my degree on top of it. I also chose a degree that barely any of my previous 40 credits would transfer across to. I go way too above and beyond in my classes. I am pretty sure that my teachers and classmates that have never met me assume that I am that nerdy kid with horn-rimmed glasses that sits in the front of the class and snorts when she laughs. . . . . well the horn -rimmed glasses are not true.
3. I have an annatural amount of knowledge when it comes to insurance plans/policies and how they will pay out, especially when you consider I am only 24 and have only been in charge of my own insurance for 5 years. But it's true, if you ever have a question about what the best kind of policy is for your family's needs, or what a particular policy does, or what insurance will most likely pay out on, just ask me - cause I can let you know.
4. Number 3, in correlation with the degree I am working on in Health Administration led me to the EUREKA moment a few days ago that I don't want to work in a hospital - I want to be a CEO or some big wig officer for a healt insurance company. Watch out Blue Cross, I'm coming for ya!
5. I have written over 200 pages for a book, entitled Polygamy Dating Turns Me a Monogomist, that sits unfinished on a laptop that is currently broken. And yes, Amber, you make a brief appearance, but your pseudo-name you can choose! :)
6. I have wanted to be a hairstylist, forensic anthropologist, event planner, neuroscientist, orthopedic surgeon, and a professional ice skater - although the one time I went ice skating I tripped over a kid and sliced my own thigh open with the ice skate, so my chances at an olympic medal are slim. I am thinking of opening up a side business paiting people's houses (inside) in an effort to curb my constant desire to repaint every room in my house.
7. I was born with a broken back.
8. When Eric and I got married I had so many tickets on my record that I had to complete a defensive driving course so my license wouldn't get suspended. In an interesting twist, since we got married I have never been pulled over, but Eric has been caught three times going at least fifteen miles over the speed limit but seems to be able to talk himself out of his ticket by letting the police officer know that his registration is in the jockey box next to his .40.
9. I had some weird obsession with dating baseball players that I thought I got over after marrying my soccer playing, golf club wielding husband . . . . only to find out last year that he indeed was a pitcher and a second baseman for twelve years and neglected to tell me.
10. Eric thinks I should be a psychologist - and he may be right. I have a wierd tendency to watch people and be able to figure out what they are doing, and why they do it. And I think I have a pretty good grasp of what makes people tick and how best to describe it.
11. Most people don't know this about me, but I am EXTREMELY shy. And I also worry that my extreme shyness comes across rude, so then I worry about talking, and almost always end up making people think that I am crazy.

11 QUESTIONS FOR THE PEOPLE I’VE TAGGED (and anyone else who wants to participate):1. Tell about the last thing that made you really laugh.
I'm pretty sure I laugh HOURLY at things my kids do. They are all pretty nuts, and both Parker and Preslie are in that age where they are starting to understand how things work and ask a million questions about it. The other day Parker said, "Why do we have to choose the right?" And I told him because that was the good thing to do, and he responded, "What's wrong with the left?" That made me laugh pretty hard. But the last time I remember laughing so hard I cried was when my brother told us that his current girlfriend was Jewish (see previous post) and when for over two hours I sniffed every time Eric sniffed (he was sick at the time) and then would bust up laughing - it took him two hours to figure out what was so funny.
2. What type of situation makes you feel out-of place? What makes you feel comfortable?
I feel out of place around extremely attractive people. . . . . like seriously, I don't like being the ugly duckling. Attractive people should not flock together. I feel most comfortable around Eric  . . . . doing whatever.
3. What is one thing about yourself you want to improve on?
Hmm . . . . I want to improve on the way I handle my kids I guess. Especially with how hectic things have been the last couple weeks with multiple birthday parties, family in town for a blessing, redoing both kids bedrooms, redoing the office, work, mixed in with a finals week and a ton of homework, I can have a short fuse occasionally.
4. If you had 1 million dollars, but could use none of it on yourself, what would you do with it?
DONATE IT! Probably to St. Jude's or someplace like it.
5. Tell about a memory that you remember often, but aren't sure why.
Uhh . . .  this is a hard one, cause usually if I remember something I have a reason to remember it. I remember being really rude to this boy who liked me K-3 grade, and even though I apologized later, I still remember feeling so bad for being mean to him. I guess that could be one.
6. What is something you are excited for?
I am excited for a vacation!!! Leaving to Portland on Friday and it is SOOO needed. I am also excited to be done with school. It's weird, because I am only 24, but I want EVERYTHING NOW!!!!
7. What did you eat today?
Eric made delicious donuts for breakfast, and then I had some pasta salad for lunch. When the kids get up we are havign CRAB for dinner! YUMMMMMM
8. Name someone that makes you proud, and if you want, say why.
I am proud of Eric. He is a great dad, husband, person. I am proud of where I am today. I feel like I have accomplished so much already.
9. What is your dream job?
My dream job would be the ability to do anything I wanted any day of the week. Monday - hey let's do a craniotomy to releave the pressure of a tumor, Tuesday - why not do venetian plaster in some rich lady's bathroom, Wednesday - how 'bout cutting out a patellar tendon and using it to reform an ACL, Thursday - I think I'll stay at home and be super mom, Friday - I'm going to plan a SAWEET wedding reception.
10. Describe the teenage you.
Boy crazy. Girly and yet tomboy. Good student. Loved to go out. Pretty quiet. Had some close friends, and a million acquaintances.
11. What is your go-to food when you are hungry.
Whatever is quick and easy in the pantry. Currently I am in love with the dried pineapple in the bulk food department at WinCo.

My 11 Questions
1. What is your favorite childhood memory and why?
2. If you could name a boy and a girl anything you wanted, even if you're spouse did not like it, what would it be?
3. Make up a story about how you met your significant other . . . and make it a good one.
4. What are your favorite TV shows that I can watch on Netflix??? HA HA HA
5. Which one of the seven deadly sins are you?
6. If you had to drive a get away car, what would it be, and why?
7. What would be the reason you would be driving a get away car?
8. What is one thing you feel strongly about, non-religion related?
9. What do you think is the most debatable political topic (ie, abortion, gun control, gay marriage) and explain your stance.
10. What would be your dream job?
11. Who is the coolest person you know? (Answer appropriately!!!!)

WHO I TAGGED - In no particular order
*And don't worry, I wont be offended at all if you dont want to do it. * (YES I WILL!)
1. Jaclyn Mabry
2. Jennifer Nicolaysen
3. Michelle Botkin
4. Paige McKenna
5. Sireena Doty
6. Christy Hansen
7. HolliJo Klein
8. Breanna Hansen
9. Sara Mefford
10. Julia Hildebrant
11. Riley Martin

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