Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The One With Cat in the Hat

Eric got the kids all excited for Dr. Suess's birthday by letting them know that the Cat in the Hat was coming to his work that Saturday.
It's been awhile since the kids have been so excited about an event.
I was excited to see them so excited . . . . not so excited to have to get up EARLY on a Saturday to make it. But it was worth it to see them have such a blast.
It was the weekend of Paxton's blessing so Grammy and Papa, Great Grandma and Grandpa Marshall, and Katie, Karlie, and Mollie were all in town and went with us.
You know who wasn't there???
The Cat in the Hat.

Apparently it was decided that he is not supposed to be around kids.
I'm not sure if that is court mandated or just morally mandated.
Either way, I'm glad Cat in the Hat wasn't there to show my kids what was really hidden in his hat other than a cat. . . . .

And good news the kids had a blast anyways.
There was BALLOONS which was Preslie's favorite.
She stole all of them in an attempt to fly away.
 Parker had a lot of fun at the arts and crafts table.
Apparently University of Phoenix is trying to etch into little children's brains that they should be green and recycle, cause that's what most of the crafts were on.
It was actually awesome, Parker loved "building" the world and putting stickers all over everything.
I loved picking a million stickers off his clothes later that night.

 Grammy and baby Pax.
 I don't think there are too many little girls cuter than this one.
 Parker, Karlie, and Mollie had fun with the other activities.
Like getting balloon animals swords made and having face arm painting.

 Papa Denny mostly enjoyed having all three grandgirls around to love him all weekend long.
And ever since Preslie has been running around the house askign for PawPaw.

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