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Family Picture

Monday, April 30, 2012

The One With the Skin Cancer Warning

Known Fact: Skin cancer is deadly.
Common thought process: Why? It's only on my skin? You can just cut it off!
Little Known Fact: Why skin cancer is so deadly.

To understand this one, take a brief trip with me back to biology and anatomy and your good old high school days. You're body is made up of all kinds of cells, many of them do different things. Most are obvious: cardiac cells make up your heart of course! But some aren't so obvious.

You're skin and skin tissue is made up of epithelial cells - and this is what skin cancer targets.

What most people don't understand, and what makes skin cancer so deadly, is that a thin layer of epithelial cells (or skin cells) covers ALL of your organs. So sure, you may start out with a little mole on your shoulder and not think much of it. But if it's cancer, and it spreads, it can easily spread to all of your organs by infecting those same little skin cells.

So. . . .. as it is getting super nice and sunny out (well except for the last few days of rain showers and thunderstorms) make sure you, and your Chitlins, and thoroughly smothered in sun screen!!!!

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