Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, April 23, 2012

The One With the Jumping Jungle

Awhile back on citysmart, or groupon, or amazon deals, or some place where you can get ridiculously good deals on fun stuff there was a deal on the Jumping Jungle. For those of you who live in Boise/Meridian it's kind of the same as Jump Time, and for those of you who don't live here, it's a huge room with a ton of those huge blow up bounce houses that people rent for their four year-olds birthday party.

I'm not gonna lie, orignally I thought this would be fun for the kids, but figured it would also be kind of lame. . . . I mean, it's no Planet Kid! But I was mistaken! It was totally fun. And what a great business idea! I'm kind of jealous I didn't have the idea first so I could make money doing that. The lady who was working there had a boy about Parker's age that just was running around on the stuff the whole time - how great to not have to have a babysitter or worry about what your kid will do all day long. As a mom who takes her THREE kids to work with me and has to worry about entertaining them while simultaneously doing my work, this makes me very jealous!!!

The kids had a great time, and Eric and I even jumped in a little bit and played with them. Preslie was a little skeptical at first, but as with most things, once she tried it, she loved it, and then didn't ever want to leave. Luckily the pass we bought was for 5 play times, so we still have a few more times the kids can all go an this ridiculously cheap price, and luckily even at full price it really isn't that expensive! I highly recommend it for those of you who live around here or want to avoid the crowds at similar places in Boise or Meridian!


  1. So fun! I couldn't help but notice Preslie's outfit...some little girl around here got that same outfit for her birthday from my grandma...matchers :) ha ha!

  2. I LOOOOVVVVEEEE that sweatsuit!!! So fun she got it too!
