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Family Picture

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The One Where Pax Laughs

The other day we were sitting at the table eating dinner, I was holding Pax on my lap while I was eating as is usually the case since he cannot NOT be held . . . . . it's a complex. Nothing too exciting or special going on, in fact I think it was at a lull in the conversation that I felt Paxton's stomach tighten and prepared myself for a scream of monstrous proportions when instead he just laughed.
And not just a little laugh.
But a full on, hysterical belly laugh.
At thin air.

I'm not sure what he saw, or what he thinks he saw, but someone was obviously very hilarious.

We've now found that if we laugh at him, he tends to start belly laughing back.
But that doesn't necessarily explain why he laughed at that time.
He apparently thinks that Preslie is hilarious  . . . . and let's face it, she is, but I wouldn't have thought a four month old could catch on to her idiosyncracies. Ah well . . . to each his own I guess.

In other news - and this will make me sound like a brat, kind of like the girl who says "Oh my gosh I lost TOO much weight for my wedding dress!" or "I just can't decide which of the twelve jobs I've been offered to take" BUT I must say it anyway.

The last two nights Pax hasn't slept his traditional 10 hours, and I HATE it! And I know that makes me sound so terrible, and I agree, I am terrible for being frustrated by it. I know I have plenty of friends who have one year olds that aren't sleeping for longer than six or seven hour stretches, so it's extremely unfair for me to complain that my four month old has started only sleeping for seven hours, but still!!! It's like when you're younger and you can eat all the candy you want without gaining a pound, and then you hit your twenty-somethings and all of a sudden you can eat all the candy you want without gaining a pound as long as you work out for an hour a week. Seriously? An hour a week? I would gladly only work out that long if it kept me slim. But it really isn't anything to complain about . . . .

Yes, I get it! It's really stupid for me to complain about the fact that Pax now sleeps from 9:30 to 5 when there are so many people that would love it. But I think this is what it comes down to. I have been getting up at 6:30 to work out, get some homework done, and be ready before (hopefully) the kids get up. And I have loved it! Amazingly enough, I know, who actually WANTS to be up that early??? Well, I've started too! The days when Eric doesn't get back from his run til late so I can't go, or the days I've slept past my alarm or whatever, I can physically feel a difference in me that day. So I like getting up early. But when pax gets up at 5 . . . . uh yeah, that's TOO early! It takes 45-1hour to fed him and then I have to fall asleep so I can get what, like twenty more minutes?? That is lame.

So Pax-man, if you would be so kind . . . I would LOVE it if you could go back to sleeping a little longer. Or do me a solid and get up at like 3 for a bottle so I can go back to sleep for a few hours!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Crystal, I love your blog! I need to create a blog for the class I am currently taking so Eric showed me your blog as an example! Now I can stalk you!
