Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The One With the Easter Bunny

The one with the easter bunny.
Circa 2012.
Or version 4.12
Or something like that.

We had a pretty good Easter I'd say.
An AMAZING day on Saturday.
Seriously it was one of the best in months.
You know those weekends where you have absolutely nothing to do and so you just take your time doing whatever you want and everything is good, and everything just falls into place, and even the lights turn green for you BEFORE you get to them?
Ya, Saturday was one of those days.
I'm not even sure what we did that day.
And that's probably why it was so great.
Saturday afternoon and night though we went shopping, and then went with the kids to Pizza Hut.
Maybe a little bit of a bad idea since our doctor has since decided Preslie is lactose intolerant, and can no longer eat dairy, including cheese, but she only ever eats the bread sticks and cinnamon sticks anyways.
And she met ANOTHER boyfriend.
I'm telling ya, peeps, this one is gonna be trouble.
While she still has a little stranger anxiety left over from her year of pockign and prodding, it's becoming less and less, and we notice that most guys, especially the good looking ones, she has absolutely no problem being friends with.
She laughed, and flirted, and played peek-a-boo over the booth with "Logan".

Ahhhh yes, mommy and daddy, the beginning of when Preslie will always have some "Logan" in her life. I'm a little scared.

Sunday we went to a family dinner at my Grandma's house - complete with members of the family that it has been TOO long since we have seen - and went to an Easter Cantata that my mom sang a solo in and did great. It was a relaxing and delicous Easter.

Preslie with her Easter Basket.
My mom always got us Sunday Clothes for Easter. But Preslie has a MILLION (literally) dresses for church. I decided to just get them all their first summer outfits for this year. And of course, although I bought Preslie 24 months they are TOO BIG!!! It amazes me how sizes can vary so much and how she is so freaking tiny!!! Needless to say I will be exchanging that.
She also got a Strawberry Shortcake movie, her first Barbie doll (of a minority, you know so Mattell can prove they aren't racist, and so I can prove the same thing by buying it) and a TON of candy.

Pax was a little harder to buy for, poor kid. First Easter and no candy?
Sometimes life sucks, kid. And this is one of those times.
Instead he got two summer outfits, and a little monky to attach to his car seat.
Strangely enough, he loves it and stares at it all the time.
I don't get it.

Trying to get Parker to smile at all, much less a "normal" smile is getting progressively more difficult as he gets older. I'm thinking there's some sort of genetic mutation that happens in men about age three that makes it impossible to smile. Hence the fact that every man has the exact same driver's license photo.
Let's try to be different and original men!!! Whatdaya say? Wanna smile in your next one and prove you're not a sheep????
Parker got super rad summer clothes, the Sandlot - hello, start the immersion process while their young and this boy will go pro in either baseball or soccer, Lego's and a ton of candy.
Interestingly enough, we didn't really ask the kids what kind of candy they wanted . . . . and yet somehow it keeps disappearing . . . usually while they are asleep . . . .

This is all the kids dyeing easter eggs at my grandma's house. It was SOO nice on Easter Sunday that we got to have the entire party outside! Amazing! There wasn't even wind on her outdoor patio that is usually something like the midwest in tornado season, so that was a nice addition.
This picture is further proof of what I was saying, Preslie gets ANY boys wrapped around her little finger.
This is her with Jacob, my aunt's adopted son, and she followed him everywhere and amazingly enough he let her do it!!

Aside from the driver's license photos, men also have this uncanny ability to NEVER be able to keep their pants pulled up over their boxers . . . . yet another trait Parker has already adopted!

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