A few months back I was invited to go to Utah with some friends at the end of Spring Break.
When I was younger we didn't really have the opportunity to get together with friends much outside of school, and since I have had three kids planning a getaway where I am alone away from them has been pretty much impossible. But this Utah trip sounded AMAZING!
Not so amazing: it ended up being the weekend of Easter.
No one even realized as we were planning it since Easter isn't typically so dang early.
So the Utah trip got cancelled.
Then the trip got moved to a cabin in Garden Valley up in the mountains about an hour and a half away for a go up Friay, stay Saturday, and come back Sunday kind of getaway.
Super fun again, right??
Only problem. Eric's dang graveyard schedule makes it practically impossible to find a sitter. Most parents don't love the idea of their 15 year old daughter staying overnight by herself with three kids and then spending the entire day at the house while a twenty something year old guy is asleep upstairs.
I know, weird right? ;)
The original plan was for Eric's parents to come down and spend the weekend, but with all their church callings that became difficult. You'd think I could easily ask my family, but the whole "girl's weekend" thing is a bit touchy on my side of the family. Then we asked Eric's youngest brother if he would come down from Rexburg, but the timing wasn't right. Then there was the problem of Parker's Saturday morning soccer games, and me needing to find a fill in for Primary pianist on Sunday in a ward were strangely NO ONE can play the piano. Sadly it started looking like there was no way this was going to get pulled off.
But my dear sweet hubby was great!
He surprised me by saying I "deserved" some time away, and he took Saturday night off work.
The problem of who would fill in on the piano in church on Sunday was resolved when we realized it was stake conference and so there would be no primary anyway (a good thing since all five of the ladies who went are ALL in primary callings!).
While three of the ladies went up Friday night and enjoyed some awesome craft time (seriously, I saw some of the amazing results the next day), I stayed and took Parker to his Saturday morning soccer game, and then left afterwards with another lady that afternoon when she got off work. We stayed up super late (4 am!!!) eating good food, talking, reminiscing, and laughing then came back late Sunday afternoon.
I feel okay saying now that I was slightly nervous beforehand. All the ladies that went are spectacular ladies, don't get me wrong. I was more concerned about myself. Not having done a weekend getaway with friends before ever made me concerned I wouldn't know how to act, or that people might think I was weird . . . because let's face it, I am a little weird. I don't know, I'm just silly I guess because NONE of it was a problem.
In fact, it was so much fun.
So relaxing.
So destressing.
So wonderful.
And I truly feel that I ended up growing closer to each of my lovely lady friends on that trip. Old friendships were strengthened, new friendships were started, and the whole thing was a massive success.
Although I doubt my kids or my husband would be up for it on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, I think Eric learned (on his first overnighter with the kids all by himself in the history of EVEr) that he could handle it. And I think I came back much more calm, relaxed, and a better mom because I actually got the chance to MISS my family for a bit.
Total honesty? I can't wait to have a girls weekend getaway again!
Just a couple of my favorite pictures from the weekend. I think these pictures will be so precious in a few years when all our lives have changed so much!
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