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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The one with the Fake First day

Today is one of those days where you just feel like it's Monday . . . . the story would probably be funnier if it was indeed actually a Monday, however it is Tuesday, and it really shouldn't be that insane!

Yesterday at work I got the message about Pax's appointment with the ENT to discuss untying his tongue. (Did I mention that before? The oral therapist has determined that Paxton's tongue is tied - who knew that was a real thing - and he needs it clipped.) Sad part - I hadn't put two and two together that I had scheduled this appointment on Parker's first day of school. Momentary craziness while I try to find someway I can be in two places at once, then call the ENT's office who was nice enough to chnage it. THANK YOU DR. BECK!

I get up this morning at a terrible time. I think it was 7, but it's at the point where it's like I don't know if I have enough time to hop in the shower, and get ready BEFORE I take Parker to his first day of school, or if I should just wait and try and make myself look mildly presentable and shower after. Well I take the plunge, of course, and shower. Get out and barely have time to dry my hair before I realize it's getting super late (why does time always move so much faster when you don't want it to?) and I need to get Parker up, fed, dressed, and ready for his first day of school.

Let the tornado begin. Get him up, fed, dressed, Paxton has a stinky diaper, then preslie has a stinky diaper - I could go into all the details of the crazy morning, but instead I'll just say this . . . . it ended in my sprinting across a lawn with Parker in tow, dodging sprinklers to get to the pre-school door because since no one is out front I assume we must be sooo late (even though we were two minutes early), talking on the phone to the oral therapist's office because guess what I missed rescheduling that appointment for Pax and we missed it, and slipping down a few stairs with my hair pulled in a clippy and NO make up on (GASP!) just in time to land in the pre-school room with his teacher who is vacuuming away because . . . . . school doesn't start until THURSDAY!!!!!

Seriously, bad Mom moment. What a terrible person I am to not even know when his first day is. Can I just say how ecstatic I am that I have a re-do of Parker's first day of school?!?!?! Complete with a good picture and maybe even a buttoned shirt!!


  1. Oh man!!! It happens! Okay tongue tied? We need a blog about that! Poor thing!

  2. Loved this post Crystal.
    John did exactly the same thing at the beginning of this year......dropped Ammon off at school and I got a call an hour later from a teacher saying school didn't start for another couple of days.
    Asked husband why the absence of kids walking to school didn't give it away and he said it was my fault, he was just doing as he was told (yeah, right).
    The boy was totally fine though and enjoyed the extra couple of days off.
    I on the other hand am still a little took me days to get rid of that 'sick' feeling.
