Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The One With The Things Baby Three Has Taught Me

When we were pregnant with Parker - everyone told us this will be "the biggest change of your life, going from none to one . . . . there's no bigger change."
Well DUH!
Of course that's true. But it was even more true with Parker because of his cholic, and we felt truly terrible leaving him with ANYONE so we took him everywhere. More than once Eric or I found ourselves in the lobby of some restaurant we were supposed to be having date night but instead were battling a screaming child.
Sure glad Parker was so cute, or we would have thrown him in a closet.
Glad that's over.

Then when we were pregnant with Preslie everyone said "going from two is SO hard. It's harder than going from none to one, and it's harder than going from two to three."
I didn't think it was so bad.
Parker had a day and a half or so of being really upset he had to share mom and dad with a little alien with HUGE eyeballs, but he got over it soon. Two kids isn't so bad because you can do things like drive in a car - one car seat on each side, and go to the store by yourself - baby seat in the front part other kid in the basket, each parent has one responsibility which is especially nice when your husband decides it is "morally wrong" for him to change his daughter.
Sure two kids costs mroe than one kid, more diapers, more food, more clothes, another room to accessorize, yada yada, but I didnt' think it was too bad.

When we found out we were pregnant with Pax I practically cried. Three kids in four years? What are we nuts? (Oh wait, WE didn't plan this!!!) Every family that I saw with three kids, the oldest one was at least in kindergarten or something. Parker won't even be going to school for another two years (his birthday is in August, so we're starting him when he's six), and Preslie wouldn't even be two when this one was born.
It didn't help when people started saying things like, "oh my gosh! Going from two to three is the worst! Now you're outnumbered, you can never go to the store by yourself again, life as you know it is over, it's the end of the world!!!"
(Okay that may be an exaggeration . . . I mean, I can go to the store by myself still.)

But really it was a little crazy to have so many people tell us how hard it was gonna be.
The thing I LOVED was when people started saying how once you get past three it's "SO EASY" you can have four, five, six without even noticing!!

I'm rolling on the floor.

First off - NO WAY! If there's that many kids running around my house, I'm sure to notice. If not in actually seeing the, I'd notice in picking up all their messes, doing all their laundry, how much food we go through, how many clothes I have to buy, and in the amount of stretchmarks and fat on my body that I can't get rid of.
I'm sorry, there's no way you "don't notice" them. Don't try and fluff it.
Second - more kids? For us? psh!

Now that we have had little Pax, I can say that these are the things I have learned:
*This one may be a little TMI - but for those of you who have had a really rough delivery, or a c-section, you will know what I am talking about. The first un-medical-assisted bathroom trip is the second coming  . . . . it is GLORIOUS!

*Baby weight NEVER comes off fast! And personally I am not seeing it come off any slower with this one.

*Doctors who think you can actually go home and "relax" after getting your insides ripped open and then stapled back together are nuts. Okay doc, you come and take care of my kids, make food, clean the house, and run all my errands . . . oh and while you're at it, can you change the movie in the DVD player?

*Litle babies are always cute . . . even if they have red hair.

*The amount I love my child at the middle of the night between his every two hour feedings has a direct correlation to how old he is. The older he gets, the more my love "like" at 3am wains. And the more I go back to the idea of making him drive a beat up pinto for his first car.

*No matter how much we may want to, we will NEVER fit into a regular five-seater sedan. Three carseats in that back seat? I don't think so! And by the way, putting a rear-facing car seat in the passenger seat requires person sitting in passenger seat to eat the front dash.

*This little Pax has some serious gas! Seriously, it rivals any many I have ever met . . . and even most cheerleaders.

*Three kids is not that hard. It's all about getting a routine down. My routine currently revolves around me not getting out of bed until at least 9, and that still means I only got four hours of sleep.

*Parker and Preslie have become BEST FRIENDS (kind of) since new baby. They go downstairs in the morning or play in their rooms together. Preslie has become quite the little adult, she talks a ton more, and is less of a baby. It's sad to see her growing up.

*The first time you change your 19 month-old daughter's diaper after only changing your newborn for a week you will be AMAZED at how big her butt looks and will immediately decide it's time for her to be potty trained.

*Inevitably, your 19 month-old daughter will no longer have a desire for potty training when you are ready to teach her.

*The amount of laundry a third child adds, especially in the baby stage, is about 17.5 times more than the actual amount of outfits you have for him. I don't know how there's this much laundry, but he doesn't even have that many clothes

*It is true what they say, you think there is no way you could love another baby as much as you love your current little ones, but somehow you do.


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