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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The One Where I Answer 20 Questions about Eric

So I stole this from our good friend Amber.
Whenever I find myself in a blogging slump, answering a million personal questions seems like an easy way to find SOMETHING to write about.
Besides that, call me weird, but I have this fascination with learning all sorts of things about people. Yes, yes, I know . . . . weird and stalkerish. But still, something about it is fun.
My post will be nowhere NEAR as funny as the girl I stole it from. Seriously, she is one of the funniest people I have met in my life - and not like I have to try so hard to be funny Jim Carey, but like I am just naturally funny with my facial expressions and random wording of words like Michael from The Office. Secretly, I am jealous of her, but shhhhhh don't tell.

So anyways, onto the 20 questions about Eric. Someday, maybe he will read this, but chances are our Grandchildren will read it first.

20 Questions

1. Where did you meet?
Officially or unofficially? Officially, according to me at least, we met in my apartment at BYU-I the ONE time I actually decided to go to FHE that semester. It was a hmmm . . ..  he's cute, and he has a tattoo and I was in my I like the bad boy (but still good boys) phase of life . . . that I guess I never grew out of.

UNofficially we met the day before at church when it was decided between me and the "mom" from another FHE group that we would all go to a karaoke bar. Eric turned around and said something like "Don't forget your lemon juice." of which I COMPLETELY did not understand, thought about how weird of a comment that was, decided to X that picture out of my Ward Menu (I mean list), and then forgot about it. Sometime in the first year of marriage he brought up that was the first thing he ever said to me. And then I felt bad for crossing him off the ward list.

2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
Ah man! I kind of already answered this one. I guess I should really read ahead. Uh . . . so  . . . see above.

3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing?
At FHE yes - kahki cargo shorts, a white DC shirt, DC shoes, and a white hat. As far as the day before at church goes, I have no idea, but I'm assuming it involved some sort of colored button up shirt (because he's only recently started wearing white due to his executive secretary calling) and a tie. That's a pretty far fetched guess considering we were at church. . . . . ha ha.

4.Where was the first time you kissed this person?
In Salt Lake at Temple Square - sounds totally cheesy and molly mormon of us, yes? Yeah, weird. So after FHE on Monday, we went out on a date on Tuesday, after which I left for Boise because there was a break from school. After that Tuesday date he was with me at my car, with all of my stuff packed inside, and I was just sitting ther waiting and waiting for him to kiss me . . . . and waiting  . . . . waiting . . . . waiting.
Eric says it's harder to kiss someone when you really already like them . . . . I think that's just an excuse for being a wuss. So the first time we actually kissed, was that weekend when he came down to SLC to go to Lagoon with my family, and we went on a walk, and the hotel we were all at was right across from Temple Square.

5. Where did you go for your first date?
Well once again that depends on if you're talking official or unofficial. At FHE he technically asked me to go bowling with him - but then again technically so did his friend. Fast forward thirty minutes and you have a VERY awkwarded out Crystal who is the fifth wheel bowling with two guys who forgot to mention that they both already had dates.

But the next day Eric took me to get an icee and we walked around Porter Park - or Pioneer park, I can't remember the name of it now. So much for a first date right? lol, no food, no nothing, not even a kiss to end it. Ha ha. But in all seriousness I was on an extreme time constraint, and it was either that or nothing!

6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
I'm not even sure when it was just official that we were a couple. I guess it could have been that weekend (so like five days later) when we were in SLC with my family and things were obviously going well. But it could have been decided after we got back and were in the old enviornment and yet somehow we still wanted to hang out. But then again it could have been two weeks after we meant when we got engaged . . . . kidding it wasn't that fast . . . . it was three.

7. How did he/she ask you out?
Well at FHE he just flat out said "Hey a bunch of us are going bowling after this, want to come with me?" to which his friend responded "No, come with me!" and thus began the confusion of who I was actually supposed to be with.
But then Tuesday morning I walked out to my car and Eric had put a note in the windshield (momentary heart attack when I thought it was a parking ticket) saying he would really like to hang out sometime, to which I gave him my number, and amid a few random texts in the middle of my anatomy class, we decided to hang out before I left. I'm not sure of the specific wording.

8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
OH YES!!! He proposed in the Rose Garden at Julia Davis Park, he picked some roses, uh big no-no. And then was all nervous on his broken ankle that he just kept talking (which was kind of cute because he relayed the entire dating experience, which was all of about three days, from HIS perspective) and then when he finally proposed the box was empty. Funny right? Ya, not!
This whole time I'd been trying to look inside it, and then he opens the box and it's empty. Where was the ring you might ask? It had been on his pinky finger the ENTIRE time and I hadn't even noticed. (No, it's not that small, I was just that preoccupied).

9. Do you and this person have kids together?
Indeed we do. We have three surprise children! Seriously, cause Eric was told he would never have kids, and I was most definitely on birth control. Um really, we've been that .1% three times over, it's time for a new joke! Parker who is 4, Preslie who is 20 months, and a little boy with a yet to be determined name, that I am hoping will pop out any day now, but is scheduled for removal on December 29th.

10.Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Oh yes. We Bonnie and Clyde it up QUITE often.

11. When was the first time you realized you liked this person?
About 30 seconds afer meeting him (the second time, at my apartment, not the first time where he acted like a geek). But I used to walk on the side of I like all cute boys right off, and then I slowly weed them out, rather than waiting to decide.
First time I was really hit with the "oh man I've got it bad" was probably the time we were at his apartment watching a movie and his ex, who happened to be not only in our ward, but in the same apartment complex, "stopped by" just to "chat" and I thought she was really pretty and I was sitting there yelling LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!!! for the eternity she was there. Well, I only thought that in my head. In practice, I stayed hidden out of sight on the couch, eyes glued to the TV.

12. Do you get along with his/her family?
Oh yes. Eric has a good family though so it's hard not to get along with them. He has two brothers that are a little closer to my age that I get along with great, an older sister who is also hilarious, and an older brother who constantly talks crap to me about Boise State and does crazy fist pump dances in said older sister's house over long Thanksgiving weekends.

13. Do you trust this person?
YES! Completely. Although the little girls who always seem attracted to him I am not so fond of.

14. What is your favorite thing about this person?
Ooooh boy. Um his totally cool muscles, or that BTTB tattoo, or that really crooked but awesome smile, or his huge eyeballs surrounded in mounds of thick dark eyelashes, or maybe his awesome style sense . . . . .
I guess if I TRULY have to settle on just ONE I will say the fact that just talking to him on my worst days, which seem way too many and not so far between at the moment, makes everything better. I can vent to him, and he always knows just what to say and then everything can be forgotten and we don't dwell on it.

15. What is the best gift he/she gave you?
Super cheesy answer: my life and the best me possible.
Less cheesy answer: my family
Cheesy answer: My wedding ring
Me trying to be totally cool answer: The kindle he gave me for my birthday.

16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
This is kind of a terrible answer because I think it's wrong to dwell on the things your spouse does that drive you crazy, but he already knows the answer to this one, and it's pretty benign, so I might as well share.
He leaves his clothes crumpled up on the back of the toilet . . . . every day. Doesn't matter if he has all the time in the world, or that the laundry hamper is literally five feet away, he gets up in the morning, throws his clothes on the back of the toilet and jumps in the shower.
Then he makes his way over to the bathroom counter where he proceeds to do his hair, leaving the goo container out on the counter, brush his teeth, leaving both his toothbrush and unappropriately squeezed toothpaste tube (seriously his dad is a dentist, he should know you roll the tube up from the bottom, not just squeeze it haphazardly from the center) on the counter, puts on deodorant, which gets put behind the sink, and then puts on super smelly good stuff that also gets left on the counter.
Oh yes, we have this discussion . . . really babe, it doesn't take any longer to put them back in the super organized drawers I have established, and in their rightful place.
But anymore I just find it funny, and when he is gone, whether it be for a night, a weekend, or a week, I kind of miss it. So now I just laugh to myself and clean it up.

17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
I will be 39 (cough cough, I mean 29) and Eric will be 43. At that age we will be sending Parker on his mission, Preslie will be almost graduated, and this little one will be in high school, and I'm truly hoping (unless something drastically changes my mind) that we are done with kids at 3 - too many medical issues to keep this going. So I see us married, happy, with kids of all ages, in good jobs, making a decent living, being active in church, and hopefully taking some awesome vacations.

18. What causes the most arguments?
Cliche as I know it will sound, we really don't fight. He used to laugh when I said that I am a "passionate" person - as in passionate about my beliefs and my opinions. But somewhere along the way, I've tamed out pretty well. Eric and I talk about literally EVERYTHING. So really if there is ever anything bugging us, it usually comes out right at the start, before it has any time to fester. I think the only times I ever get truly upset would be when I feel like my feelings aren't being interpreted the way I want them to, which I find is really a problem with myself and not him - you can't expect your spouse to know what you're thinking if you don't tell them, right?
Seriously though, Eric said at work the other day there was a huge "spouse bashing" discussion happening and they asked him what our fights are like and he said we don't fight - and either people didn't believe him, or they said we would be divorced in a couple years. Which I used to think too, if you don't fight, you don't get out the issues, and pent up issues will lead to divorce.
My opinion now is that there is a difference between communicating and arguing. Eric and I are pretty good at communicating with each other, and trying to see things from the other person's perspective, hence not a lot of arguing happening.

19. How long have you been together?
We just had our five year anniversary September 22, and that's about as long as we've been together, maybe add two months to plan the wedding, and three weeks to meet and get engaged. FAST!!!

20. Are you married?
Yes indeed!

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