Family Picture

Family Picture

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The One With Grandma & Grandpa Great Marshall

A lot of Eric's extended family and friends still live in Portland.In fact, Eric was just telling me how much he wants to move back because all of his friends are relocating, Kevin and HolliJo Klein just moved back from Arizona, Dustin and Ashley Snyder just moved back from Washington, and their other friend Ryan and his wife are trying to get moved up from California. So Eric feels like it is about time for us to make the big move . . . . AGAIN!!!

But most importantly we like going up to Portland so we can see family that we don't get to see too often. Here's the kids with Great Grandma and Grandpa Marshall. Parker got to see a lot of Papa Great because they went hunting together!

1 comment:

  1. We made the blog :) wahoo! We have really got to get together one of these times you guys are in Portland!! And we'd totally love it if you guys moved back! That'd be SO fun!
